Nicole Henley
1 min readAug 23, 2022


Thank you for sharing this. Adventures with Purpose are an absolute godsend. It really does feel like they're filling in a niche oversight that had no "offical" solution even just a few years ago and remained a wide gap until they (and other volunteers either now or in the future) came into the picture. Now, when heartbroken families are nearly out of options and still seeking answers but getting nowhere else, more and more of them know who to contact (whether that be AwP or another group like them). Best of all, the group consists of compassionate volunteers, and is funded entirely through donations and such. And the families involved graciously consent to being on camera for the purpose of helping other families find AwP just as they did so that other families after them can get their answers like they got.

The more people know about them, the more families have renewed hope. Even when they do successfuly find someone, while it's never the outcome their families wanted, it's still the semblence of closure they needed to get answers they otherwise would not have possibly gotten. God Bless the Adventures with Purpose crew!



Nicole Henley

Writer of true crime, unsolved mysteries, and marvels of history. Lover of movies, books, cats, and anime.